“We are surrounded by mediocrity every day. It’s easy to fall into the trap of scrolling social media or finding an excuse to not workout, or not attack your goals for the day. We decide not to hold ourselves accountable. That is when we quit on ourselves and become mediocre.”
The students that learned from their failures, learned how to work the system and how to work as a TEAM, they learned how to work smarter, not harder, even though it was still very hard. Failure has taught us all the ways not to do something. Because no matter how many times we were told what to do, we had to learn the lessons for ourselves. You will have failure, but, “If knocked down, I will get back up, every time. I am never out of the fight”
“I will NEVER QUIT. I persevere and thrive on adversity”. Never Quit means if you have made a conscious effort to start a task, a program, or a project, then you take it all the way to the end. If it was worth starting, then it is worth finishing. You will have bad days, days you don’t feel like putting in the effort. That is natural, but you do it anyway.
From personal experience, when facing fears in LIFE OR DEATH situations, FEAR turns into action. You don’t have to be in a combat zone like Iraq or Afghanistan to see this for yourself. You may see this while driving your car everyday. If someone steps out in front of you or runs a red light while you have the green, you hit the brakes and steer away from danger. You had fear of hitting someone with your vehicle and you took action.
The fact that you are still reading this means you have taken action and a good chance you will continue to take action. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, or “you eat an elephant one bite at a time”. These are truths. Doing the Work seldom has instant gratification. It is something that takes time, effort and tenacity. Doing the work takes dedication to show up for yourself every single day. It takes a change in your mindset.