Archives 2022


I have to ask what do you REALLY want to accomplish? In the SEAL Teams we are trained to do all kinds of missions. From jumping out of airplanes at 27,000 feet to diving in enemy harbors and hunting terrorists around the world. When we are planning our missions we only focus on THAT mission, and nothing else. If we are planning a mission to dive into an enemy harbor, we don’t practice jumping out of airplanes or driving tactically at night in rough terrain or long range shooting. There is a saying “Plan your dive and dive your plan”. So that’s what we do. What is your mission? What is your plan? Here’s some tips to help you with your mission planning:Questions to ask while planning:-What is the mission?-Why are you doing this mission?-Who is going to be part of the mission?Practice your plan before you get started to find the flaws while it’s easy.-What transition points will there be? Practice these the most! When the mission or plan is complete do an After Action Review. Look at what went right and what went wrong. Keep this in mind. You are really good at a lot of things. It doesn’t matter if you are working on something simple or complicated like being an awesome parent, learning a new skill, starting a business… Think about the mission and what your desired outcome is. Focus your attention on completing that mission and nothing else until mission complete. Have an AWESOME week and as always, GET NAKED! P.S. If you are a leader and would like to learn how to lead your team like a SEAL Team let me know or go to this link and apply.


When I joined the Navy all I had to do was follow orders. Wake up on time, make my bed, fold my clothes, and march…Throughout my 26 years in the Navy, it didn’t stay that simple, but there was always a path or process where someone has done what you wanted to do before. When I got to the SEAL Teams I was surrounded by mentors who had “been there and done that”. When I “retired” things were very different. I lost My Purpose, My Mission, and My Team. Eventually, I found my mission and my purpose and I am building my new Team. Since I didn’t have the SEAL Teams any more, I had to find new mentors. One of them is Bedros Keuilian. Bedros wrote the book Man Up that had a big impact on me. Over time, I have become friends with Bedros and have hired him as a coach to help me collapse time. Bedros is not a part of what I call my new SEAL TEAM along with a ton of other High Performers. If you are looking for a mentor to help you collapse time or get you pointed in the right direction, check out the High Performance Summit in Costa Mesa, CA 24-25 June. I will be there giving away $$$ thousands of dollars in CBD and taking in as much knowledge as my tiny brain will hold. I hope you see you there too! Have an AWESOME week! Talk to you soon! And of course GET NAKED!


This weekend I was reminded of one of something I learned in the SEAL Teams. After 26 years of service to this nation and being surrounded by the greatest warriors of all time, that lesson is… Seek challenges every day and violently execute them.

The end goal isn’t comfort, the end goal is to be ready for the curve ball, the left hook, the flying arm bar that life is going to throw at you. The more practice you have at facing adversity, the less uncomfortable you will be when you can’t control it. When you practice adversity You learn to control YOU.